Introduction to Cosmetic Hoses and Cosmetic Covers!

Source:Junxi Plastics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd Release time:2024-02-27

Plastic hoses for cosmetics: How should cosmetics be stored?
We often make taboos about cosmetic preservation and remain unaware until skin problems such as spots, wrinkles, and abscesses appear. In fact, these phenomena that harm the skin may be caused by the spoilage of cosmetics. How do cosmetic plastic hose manufacturers introduce how to store cosmetics?
Storage method 1: Heat protection
Cosmetics should not be stored in places with high temperatures, as high temperatures not only cause the moisture in the cosmetics to evaporate, causing the cream to dry out, but also lead to the separation of oil and water in the cream, resulting in spoilage. Therefore, do not pack too much cosmetics in your handbag during the hot summer, as it can be used well in a short period of time. The most suitable storage temperature should be below 35 ℃.
Storage method 2: Sun protection
Cosmetics should not be stored in areas directly exposed to sunlight or light. Due to direct exposure to sunlight or light, cosmetics can cause water evaporation and certain ingredients to lose their vitality, leading to aging and deterioration; Also, cosmetics contain a large amount of drugs and chemicals, which can easily undergo chemical changes due to UV radiation in sunlight, resulting in reduced effectiveness. Therefore, do not place cosmetics outdoors, on balconies, next to makeup desk lamps, etc. Similarly, when purchasing cosmetics, do not take samples displayed in the cabinet, as they are susceptible to long-term exposure to cabinet lighting, which can easily lead to
Storage method three: Anti freezing
Cosmetics stored in cold places are prone to freezing and cracking, and after thawing, there may be oil-water separation, causing some of them to become thicker and harder, which has a stimulating effect on the skin.
Storage method four: moisture-proof
Some cosmetics contain a large amount of protein and honey, which can easily cause mold when exposed to moisture. Some people also use iron capped glass bottles for packaging, which can easily rust and corrode cosmetics after being damp, causing them to spoil.
Preservation method 5: Anti pollution
Although preservatives are added to cosmetics to prevent contamination and spoilage, it is still not possible to prevent any potential harm to the skin if bacteria are present. Therefore, after using cosmetics, it is necessary to tighten the bottle cap in a timely manner to prevent bacteria from invading and multiplying. It is best to avoid using it directly by hand and instead use a pressure gauge or other tools instead. In addition, once the cosmetics are taken, such as face cream and lotion, they can not be put back into the bottle to avoid pollution, and excessive cosmetics can be applied to other parts of the body.
Storage Method 6: Prevent Invalidation
The shelf life of general cosmetics is one year, and the longest should not exceed two years. Cosmetics should be used within their expiration date as much as possible after opening, and should never be discontinued until expiration. You should know that no matter how good the cosmetics are and how carefully they are stored, if they exceed their expiration date, they will become red and rotten powder, worthless.

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