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Customization Proces

Customized Public Model Products

Customized Private Model Products

  • 01

    Product Style Design

    Can provide 3D product drawings, or provide physical objects and ideas, designed and drawn by our company

  • 02

    Mould Design

    Design mold drawings for product structure based on demand and production capacity

  • 03

    Mold making

    According to the difficulty of the mold, the mold opening cycle is 25-60 days

  • 04

    Mold Testing & Samples

    On machine production, check the operation status and product compliance

  • 05

    Qualified Production Of Molds

    All molds are used in partnership and put into production

  • 06

    Customizing Products According To The Public Model Process

    Private model for developer use only

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QQ: 154364587
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