The awakening of consumer environmental awareness

Source:Junxi Plastics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd Release time:2024-01-23

The awakening of consumer environmental awareness
Shangdao Zongheng and Interface News recently jointly released the 2021 China Sustainable Consumption Report (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). The report shows that low-carbon consumption is becoming a daily action for more and more people, and more and more consumers hope that the low-carbon consumption market can continue to grow in the future, with more low-carbon products and services to choose from.
Research has found that green, environmentally friendly, and circular recycling have become the core understanding and expectations of consumers for sustainable consumption. People hope to see relevant carbon emissions and resource loss information on products, hope that used products can enter a new cycle, and also hope that consumption will not come at the cost of polluting the environment.
When it comes to low-carbon products, more respondents will think of daily necessities (51.03%) and home building materials and decoration (50.72%), and more respondents will choose electronic appliances (41.83%), automobiles and accessories (40.82%).
So, what are the reasons that encourage consumers to purchase low-carbon products?
The survey shows that "the country and society advocate low-carbon consumption behavior", "care about our world, want to make the environment and society better through their own actions", and "see news and information about the continuous deterioration of the environment" rank in the top three. It can be seen that the positive advocacy and negative warnings from the state and society have a significant guiding effect on public behavior, inspiring public concern for environmental and social issues.
The survey also shows that consumers do not purchase low-carbon products mainly due to two major obstacles: first, they cannot identify low-carbon products, and second, they have limited choices of low-carbon products. Therefore, enterprises need to seize low-carbon consumption opportunities and promote low-carbon product research and design based on the characteristics and diverse and differentiated needs of segmented groups, bringing more attractive low-carbon consumption choices to the market.
In the cosmetics industry, environmental protection has never been just a trend, but a crucial factor in industry development. It requires the participation and practice of regulations, enterprises, and consumers. Only in this way can the industry develop towards a healthier direction. Therefore, the recycling and utilization of empty cosmetic bottles require the joint efforts of consumers, brands,

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