What is the main function of plastic hose packaging for cosmetics?

Source:Junxi Plastics (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd Release time:2024-01-23

At present, there are many types of cosmetic packaging on the market, including plastic bottles, plastic boxes, plastic bags, plastic hoses, etc. In recent years, with the increasing popularity of cosmetics, plastic hose packaging has rapidly developed with the advantages of less raw materials and low cost, occupying the mainstream of the cosmetics packaging market, mainly used in facial cleansers, skincare products, and beauty products. At present, the commonly used plastic hoses in cosmetic packaging include aluminum-plastic composite hoses, all plastic composite hoses, and plastic co extruded hoses, which can meet various needs of cosmetic packaging.
Undoubtedly, the primary function of cosmetic packaging is to protect its content. The main components of cosmetics include oils, water-soluble polymers, surfactants, etc. As is well known, glycerol and protein are the material basis for microbial growth and reproduction, while oxygen and water are factors that affect microbial growth; Unsaturated fatty acids in oil are prone to oxidation, causing rancidity and spoilage, producing irritating substances such as hydrogen peroxide, acids, aldehydes, and emitting a sour odor. It can be seen that oxygen is the main factor causing cosmetics to spoil. Therefore, cosmetic hoses need to have excellent gas barrier performance, which can effectively prevent the infiltration of oxygen and odorous gases, and prevent the leakage of content, aroma, and active ingredients.
It can be seen that there is no clear regulation on the breathability of the entire tube body after the production of the hose is completed. Is there no need for testing? The answer is negative. Because the overall sealing performance of cosmetic packaging and the amount of oxygen passing through the tubes directly affect the changes in the original properties of stored cosmetics and cosmetics, the detection of the oxygen resistance of plastic hoses for cosmetics is an index that relevant enterprises must pay attention to and control.

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