Junxi Plastic Industry joins hands with the brand Joajota to create Korean small white pipes and Xiaolan pipes


Joajota is a facial cleanser brand. The Chinese name is the white tube oxygen facial cleanser. It is a washing product from South Korea. This facial cleanser is mainly designed for the skin characteristics of Asian women. It can control oil control, relieve skin dryness, and acne. It adds a lot of essence of plants, especially some sensitive muscles. Women can use this product. To relieve.

The function of this facial cleanser is relatively comprehensive, and the formula is relatively natural, especially the effective ingredients of green plants such as purslane, citrus grass, etc., are more mild and non -exciting. The texture of the facial cleanser is emulsion -like, and the effect of foaming is also relatively good. After cleaning, the face of the face is more comfortable and elastic, without any tightness.


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